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Sunday, April 16, 2017

My thoughts on PARCC

Oh PARCC, how much I love it... NOT.  PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Now if you carefully read that it ends with College and Careers, and that is  DEFINITELY not true. In order to get a good job you actually have to do good in high school and college. In High school you take the ACT which is another standardized test but way more important. I truly doubt that when a company debates whether they should hire you or not they wont even consider looking at your PARCC score they'll go straight to your ACT score.  When in order to get ready for college I think that you should do good on the ACT not the PARCC. In the end i think there is nothing good about PARCC besides the fact that we don't get as much homework :).

1 comment:

  1. Bro I got totally agree! My friend and I were actually talking about how it doesn't help us on college but instead it helps the school's funding. And the no homework is amazing.
