About Me

Monday, May 15, 2017

Graduation Speech

9 years... I was 5 years old and I started my education in Hynes elementary school.The funny part is that I still remember hiding behind my mom's leg scared to talk to the teacher. When I first started school I thought it was something that if I didn’t like I could just quit and never need to do it again; but I found out I was wrong. I hated school when I started, there was no play time, all we did was learn stupid things like letters and numbers. I wondered when and if I would  ever need them. I would always try and think of excuses to go home.
My mom always would tell me “You’re going to be thankful in the future.” or  “It’s one of the most important things in life.” which whenever I heard things like that I would be so confused and here I am now, grateful to have learned so much throughout these 9 years.School started off pretty boring and seemed useless, but the older I got I realized that there is a purpose of going to school and a lot more homework was assigned when I was growing up. I was never a big fan of school but the fact that I wouldn’t have known anything I know now without going for the past 9 years is something truly astonishing. Throughout the 5 years that I was in Hynes I met lots of great people, which some of them left and some I still know till this day. In general I like practically everyone from this school. This class have truly gone through a lot. I wasn’t in it since the beginning but from 3rd grade to 8th is truly lots of memories. I hope Dianna brought her notebook cause I mean that's basically a death diary. Everyone in this class had done at least 5 abnormal things.  From talking about pocket waffles to Sofia destroying Konrad during Macbeth, everyone in this class has something unique.
With all these memories no matter where we will go we’ll always have some kind of connection. It may not may not be as good as your Wifi connection but still pretty good. High school is like another chapter in your life and we all have to move one by leaving the past in the past and keep up with the present. Sometimes I try and think about how many countless hours we spent doing a science project , or getting pages for Mrs. Joyner as weird as it sounds, I actually enjoyed doing it. It all payed off in the end which made us these intelligent and useful.  As Steve Jobs once said” Your time is precious, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”  All of us in this class Have the skill and chance of becoming someone special, we could become the next Steve jobs, the president, we all could be the next big generation and whether we know each other or not we will end up as great people in this world and I wish the best for us. Thank you for all of these memories and I wish us the best!  

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Free Blog

This week were going to Camp Maclean which if you don't know is basically something all the 8th graders wait for. Camp Maclean is about an hour and ten minute drive to Wisconsin and is a fun camping trip that we go for one night and each year we do new activities since the area is pretty big. Ever since I found out about the trip I thought that I would have the time of my life and I won't lie it was great!!! We sleep in cabins and they give us food and we do lots of things like archery, Team activities, but we also have free time to go around the place. At night we play capture the flag boys against girls and it's probably the best part of the time there. In the end both teams end up cheating and hiding the flag like underground or something but the boys sometimes try and scare the girls so that when they come for our flag they go right back to their territory and from what I remember we played till it was really late and we found out that the girls put it underground so we stopped playing although to me that doesn't matter i still had a blast when I went there and I hope I do this year too.

Image result for camp maclean

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Beginnings and Endings

The summer is starting soon and there are many things I want to accomplish. As soon as school ends I'm leaving for Sedona ,Arizona and staying there for 11 days to visit places like Arches, Balanced Rock and etc. I've been there many times but "old is gold" so I excited for that and I want to take lots of good pictures. Later on I'm planning to spend lots of times with friends before I go to Poland for 2 weeks. I've never gone to Poland and I honesty don't know what to expect but I hope I enjoy it. Later on my cousins are coming and I always have a blast when they come. All of this is gonna till August 3 and from their I have nothing planned until August 23 when I start high school.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

My thoughts on PARCC

Oh PARCC, how much I love it... NOT.  PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Now if you carefully read that it ends with College and Careers, and that is  DEFINITELY not true. In order to get a good job you actually have to do good in high school and college. In High school you take the ACT which is another standardized test but way more important. I truly doubt that when a company debates whether they should hire you or not they wont even consider looking at your PARCC score they'll go straight to your ACT score.  When in order to get ready for college I think that you should do good on the ACT not the PARCC. In the end i think there is nothing good about PARCC besides the fact that we don't get as much homework :).

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

If I had to write a tribute I would right it Martin Luther King Jr. He was an honorable man and gave up his life doing the right thing. From giving the "I have a dream" speech to leading the Civil Rights movement during the 1950s in the United States. He also supported African-Americans, women and veterans through  marches, sit-ins, public speeches and boycotts. I can't imagine the world without him and he definitely deserves lots of credit for how much he changed and helped the African-Americans. When he was assassinated on April 4,1968 many people felt like the world would go back to how it was before Martin Luther King Jr. was born. I think that after he died even white people started realizing that he was doing it for the good which made them feel bad too. In the end he helped created the world it currently is and people should continue to help like Martin Luther King Jr. 
Thank you for what you did Martin.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

3 people I would like to meet

There are many famous and special people out there with unique talents but if I had to choose three it would be Neymar, George Lucas, and Steve Jobs. Neymar, in my opinion, is one of the most talented soccer players and his career is just starting. I would like to meet with him on a soccer field but not only to see how good he is but to watch how he prepares himself for a soccer match. Everyone knows how he plays but only his teammates know how he prepares himself for a game. He is a very skillful player and I feel like that's also the way I play soccer so the reason I choose Neymar out of all the soccer players is because I think we'd have lots in common and by just spending one afternoon with him I feel like I could learn a lot I would be an unforgettable experience.
George Lucas, if you don't know, is the creator of Star Wars and I personally think it is the best made movie the world has ever seen. When I think about the movies or episodes created in the late 1970's,  it completely blows my mind how a movie made 40 years ago is better then some movies made this year. George Lucas is the one behind all of this and I would like to meet with him in the room where he thought of the idea to make movies like that. In my opinion it's easy to think of a movie you would like to see, but it takes a true talent if other people like the movie too. I would find it fascinating to see where my favorite movie was created, and an honor to meet the person who created it.
Finally,Steve Jobs, the person who inspired me into technology. Steve Jobs is the creator of Apple, and ever since my dad showed me his first iPhone I was truly amazed how technology was moving forward. I always thought that there would only be flip phones and that touch screen phones would only be a kind of a phone in movies. Steve Jobs did not only create the most successful technology company, but also is the reason why I am interested in technology so much. He is definitely one of my favorite idols and will always continue to be. I would like to meet him in the garage where him and his friend Steve Wozniak created Apple and the first Macintosh, as I mentioned earlier beginnings are truly great but this beginning is something that changed the world and made it go far into the future.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

3 Major Goals If I were President

If I were a president would change many things especially the ones that would improve the economy of the country.
First of all  I would change take care of the debt we owe China by making factories here in the U.S.
We could build many things here and finally start paying the debt to China without increasing the debt at the same time. The U.S wouldn't have so much stress to think about which would make this country a less stressed place. 
Secondly, I would change the education. In life there are dreams and reality. The older people get the more they see the harsh reality: that the have to pay taxes and work hard be able to afford a house. 
I think that people would rather live in a huge mansion and be so rich that they wouldn't know what taxes are, which in other words are your dreams. See, the only way of achieving those dreams is by having a good education and a prosperous business  There are many schools in the U.S but they don't teach the same way other schools do, which is a problem. If I were a president I would  get rid of "Common core"and start a program that provides thorough education to every single school.
This is an important concept because everybody wants to achieve their dreams and the only way they could do that is by learning and developing new skills .
Finally the third thing I would change as president is obesity. America is known for obesity and that gets me mad because this country could have no problem with obesity, it's just that people decide to eat fast food because it requires no skill. I agree fast food tastes good but there is a consequence every time you eat it. What I would do to change that is increase fast food prices and definitely build more restaurants that consist of only veggies and salads that fill up your stomach in a way that you don't gain fat but you gain lots of nutrients that help your body stay strong and healthy. 
Those are the 3 main things I would change as president.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

My Favorite Christmas Gift From The Past

My favorite holiday is Christmas, and I love it for getting to spend some time with my family and just showing how grateful you’re to have them in your life. Gifts to me are a small part of Christmas but if a gift is good I will remember it for the rest of my life.

I received many gifts throughout the years but no Christmas gift will be as special as my Wii. It came out sometime in the middle of 2009 and when I first saw an ad of it on YouTube I was astonished how cool the console was. When I was younger I always dreamed of having a console that had every game I wanted to play. When I realized how many fascinating games the Wii had I told my parents you don’t have to buy me a lot for Christmas, all I want is the Wii. They looked at me thinking whether it was worth buying me a Wii. I still ended up receiving lots of other cool gifts that Christmas but the last gift I opened was my Wii. When I opened it I was so excited to use it that I grabbed my dad by his hand and made him set it up no matter how tired he was. I played lots of fun games like Mario Kart, Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Resort and etc. I still own my Wii and all those games which I don't play anymore, but I that the Wii was probably the best console that I ever had and till this day I think it was the coolest Christmas gift I ever received.